Story Time Bad Mac Experience, Too Young For Mac

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Mac Miller left behind little evidence of his apparent fatal drug overdose, according to a report. Authorities found only a small amount of white powder when they combed the late rapper’s San Fernando Valley, Calif., home on Friday, sources told TMZ, adding that the residence was possibly “swept clean” after talking with witnesses. A search for pill bottles or drug paraphernalia turned up nothing, the sources told the site. – NY Post, That’s a red flag right there. However, what mass media talked about after Miller’s death was Ariana Grande. In his final video SAD!, XXXtentacion looks over his own dead body.

In Conclusion Carl Jung described the concept of synchronicity as “events that are ‘meaningful coincidences’ with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related”. These events often happen on a very intimate and personal level.

However, in the case of the dark, twisted world of the occult elite that is bent on mega-rituals and high-profile sacrifices, synchronistic events can be witnessed by the entire world. As seen above, everything relating to Mac Miller in the past weeks pointed directly towards death. Was it all a coincidence? Or did the industry people around him knew that his time was coming? Did he fall in the bad graces of the industry? Did he know too much? Was he suicidal or was he suicided?

No matter who is behind it, or if it was genuinely an overdose – my heart goes out to the family of Mac Miller. Losing a child or a sibling under any circumstances is heartbreaking 🙁 Amen, Amy. I appreciate the reminder of the fact Jesus is indeed coming back! The Bible says Salvation is a gift of God, freely given to all who will receive it through faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer in itself is nothing. It is WHO you are praying to, and the attitude of your heart (are you praying in faith toward Christ) that matters. Sadly, people pray to idols and false gods every day.

Of course, it yields no salvation. “That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I AM who I claim to be, you will die in your sins.” (Jesus) John 8:24 There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.

Acts 4:12 But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you Read more ». Hi @Hey, That’s a very fair question. For me, being already thoroughly convinced the Bible is God’s Word, the fact that Jesus very spoke of His return, and of The Judgement to come is sufficient for me.

But merely quoting the Bible will not be sufficient for you if you don’t happen to believe It is God’s Word. In that case, I would point to Biblical prophecy concerning the Messiah. I can’t do justice to this subject in a comment.

But in short, one of the ways God has authenticated His Authorship of the Bible is by recording events in detail before they happen(ed). There are 300+ prophecies concerning the first coming of The Messiah (the Christ) written down (in the Old Testament) three centuries before Jesus life, death, and resurrection. Jesus fulfilled all of them. Fulfilled prophecy tells us something: The Living God means what He says, and says what He means. This is true of prophecy concerning Jesus, Israel, The Church, The Anti-Christ rule over the earth (which we read about in VC a lot), AND the return of Jesus Christ to the earth, and the future judgement.

There are 1845 references in the Old Testament to the Read more ». I mean, scholars who aren’t even Christians can’t deny the fact that Jesus walked this earth, not to mention the astounding evidence and eye witness accounts of people who witnessed his resurrectionand the disciples who were willing to DIE for the cause. No one does that.

“Why would the apostles lie? Liars always lie for selfish reasons. If they lied, what was their motive, what did they get out of it? What they got out of it was misunderstanding, rejection, persecution, torture, and martyrdom. Hardly a list of perks!” -Peter Kreeft “The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single greatest event in the history of the world. It is so foundational to Christianity that no one who denies it can be a true ChristianA person who believes in a Christ who was not raised believes in a powerless Christ, a dead Christ.

If Christ did not rise from the dead, then no redemption was accomplished at the cross and “your faith is worthless,” Paul goes on to say; “you are still in your sins” (v. 17).” -John MacArthur “There is more evidence that Jesus rose from the dead than there is that Julius Caesar ever lived or that Alexander Read more ».Mac Miller:.

Last music video shows him in a coffin.XXXTENTACION:. Last music video shows him in a coffin and talking to a demon.Tupac:. Last Music Video shows him being gunned down.Jimi Hendrix:. In the Ballad of Jimi, he predicted that he would die five years later. He died after he choked on his own vomit.Whitney Houston:.

In a Fresh Prince of Bel Air episode, one character is asked where his Whitney Houston cutout is, and he says “it fell apart in the shower”. She mysteriously died face down in a tub.Princess Diana:. predicted that her husband was planning to kill her and make it seem like a car accident.Michael Jackson​:. Was about to have his last concert titled “This Is It” and promised to expose the truth about the industry, government etc. During this concert. “Michael Jacobshagen — a 34-year-old businessman who was friends with Jackson for two decades — claimed the pop star wrote 13 letters that included phrases such as ‘They are trying to murder me’ and ‘I am scared about my life.’ MJ didn’t eat for long periods because of this fear; and due to this, he became emaciated.Prince:. Likened Read more ».

She is not a goddess OVER the demons; she likely has been given “goddess” status by the occultists because she is willing to be used in occult rituals to summon them. That’s one of the most tragic lies of the occult: people THINK they have the power, but it is the dark & evil spiritual entities that they conjure who have the ACTUAL power. Demons lie to their hosts (people) to make them believe they have a power they can control, when all the while, it is the demons who are in control. Because they are strictly spiritual beings who cannot outwardly control earthly events and people, demonic spirits need human beings to carry out their wicked plans. The industry manipulated everything, and they have stolen real talent, beauty and art from this world, musically he was never dull. And I’m sad that because of his high profile love, he became vulnerable, and THEY knew his weakness.

Ariana was his forever love, and she was only a siren. HE was betrayed by an immature lust and obsession. And it frustrates me that they will always just chalk it up to overdose. With no questions asked. Which makes it easier for the public to digest.

Its so disheartening, the planet was robbed of one of its most influential and caring beings, and it was all thanks to uncaring beings in suits. The entire occult elite is full of high powered, babies in suits. With a bent ego on complete control Malcom McCormick, you are of coarse going to be missed, thank you for your creative and honest outlook on life. Love you truly. The private plane he was on was forced to make an emergency landing after the plane’s wheels blew out. He was also involved in a serious car accident a few weeks later when his Rolls Royce was t-boned and crashed through a fence. And just recently, The rapper’s former San Fernando Valley residence was broken into on Sept.

1, and the burglars reportedly got away with nearly $20,000 worth in items. And to make matters worse, while the thieves were inside the home, they reportedly shouted, “Where’s Post Malone?” They also allegedly pistol-whipped the current resident. Can someone really be this unlucky? Or is there something more sinister taking place behind the scenes? Yes, Exactly. It was also reported that in light of all these brushes with death, Post Malone asked “Does God hate me?” and further to this, have y’all seen Post’s latest video (f 21 savage) called “Rock star”??It’s unusually & sickeningly much so, that there is an actual warning displayed before the video starts, warning viewers that they “may be offended” due to the extreme bloody, gory violence.

And this warning is indeed Well-merited. When I first saw the video, it DEF made me do a double-take.I could barely believe what I was seeing.

Samurai swords everywhere, murder everywhere, so much blood spattered & splashed EVERYWHEREincluding all over Post, who interestingly is dressed in pure bright white clothing (WHITE representing purity & innocence, while we vigilants know that RED represents ritual sacrifice).plus the usual references to women as ho’s & sex, materialism, blah blah blah etc. Etc.Yes I hate saying it but young Mr. Post Malone is one to be keeping our eyes on. And PRAYING FOR. Yes to be PRAYING FOR.

Puts things into perspective doesn’t it? Someone who merely makes a comment and his life goes spiraling downward. I always wonder about the other celebs like the actors. I wonder if they’re just as abused or used as these singers. I’ve also found a pattern with the biggest stars, like James Cameron, who at one point believed in God or in another being and as soon as they enter Hollywood, they become atheists. Either they lie and say they’re atheists to push an agenda and are forced to say so OR experience something so traumatic and otherworldly that makes them doubt the existence of God.

Some people hope to be game changers; take ’em down from the inside. I can’t say I’ve never thought of “faking it to Make It in their club” with the goal being to take them down from the inside. But I have kids and won’t put them at risk by getting involved with such a crowd. Life in modern society is risky enough.

Also, to join their club it truly does boil down to money. I met a young guy once who forgot to hide his G-ring from me.


He seemed full of regret; not just about me seeing his ring. He wouldn’t say much, cuz they’re not allowed, but his general disposition towards Them was hatred, regret, and determination to be.the. game changer. That was the most he’d say about them: That “you make so much money and They come to you.

They watch your bank accounts. They know what’s going on.” And “I’m gonna be THE Game Changer!

S-t needs to change!” I ran into him once after that; he wanted to take me on a date. But I was engaged at the time (to someone who later left me for someone else) So I politely declined Read more ». Don’t be fooled; Prince was a Handler. Without him, there would be no Carmen Electra. He even gave her the name we all know her as. He’s had his hand in “discovering” a few attractive ladies careers (I can’t recall their names atm, but Carmen is the most prominent one.) He wasn’t entirely innocent. He wasn’t horrible (to our knowledge) like R.Kelley and his kept women, but it does seem he handled a few women early in their careers (and he was romantically linked to a couple of them, which is also common.

Many handler/slaves are romantically involved during their time together.). The entertainment industry is evil people.

You play with fire you will get burned or in this case you play with satan you get burned. Nobody wins they are disposable puppets. I feel like people are becoming desensitized with all the celebrity deaths that seem to have escalated daily. Too many that it’s hard to keep track of these last few years. It’s like I’m always saddened and shocked but really why shocked? They sign the dotted line they forfeit their soul. Only Jesus can save them and I hope even during their last breaths they reached out to Jesus regardless of the sins they committed.

If they repent and call on his name they will be saved. I don’t wish eternity in hell to anyone. Well except maybe satan and the illuminati bloodlines who started all this crap in the first place.

Story Time Bad Mac Experience Too Young For Mac Free

You don’t wish eternity in Hell for child rapists who willingly abused and tortured the innocent in ways so depraved that you couldn’t even imagine? The stuff they do to kids is completely shattering and beyond horrible. I’m not one for quoting the Bible, and I won’t pretend I’m well-versed in it, but I’m pretty sure there’s a line in there about not hurting kids the way that these swear words do. Someone who willfully goes around ruining people’s lives and hurting kids like that totally belongs in Hell. I don’t like wishing bad things upon others, but predators like that well, they aren’t predators of nature like alligators or lions where that’s how Our Father in Heaven designed them to be. Sodomizing infants and drinking their blood is of Satan’s design. But I know there’s only one true Judge and it’s not up to me to make the decisions.

Story Time Bad Mac Experience, Too Young For Mac

I don’t know what’s in their hearts. But somehow I doubt that most of these high level folk have any regrets about bashing in babies skulls after sodomizing them and drinking their blood like wine. Or using their adrenochrome for a high. They’re hooked on the stuff. No I don’t wish hell on anyone.

Neither does Jesus that’s why he died for ALL humanity and ALL types of sins. I hear what you’re saying and I can’t take away the salvation extended to all humans not just the non pedos and normal people. Of course I’m not saying those who hurt children are exempt from punishment or consequences but if they repent it’s between them and Jesus. I understand your point and I appreciate the reminder of what I said and how general it was but when man repents it’s between him and God.

I’ve heard testimonies of people who did all kinds of heinous crimes like the ones you mentioned and they got saved and now preach the gospel to try and reach other Satanists. Anyone can change and be saved if they want to in their heart. It’s all written in the Bible. Everything that has been happening is meant to happen. No one can stop it. It will get worse before it gets better.

Everything has been prophesied. Jesus will come back after everything burns in this world. Human race is bound to fall to the hands of evil whether we like it or not. That’s always been our fate.

This makes me think. What is really the purpose of everything?

It seems like we are all just pawns to the hidden battle of good v.s. The battle of light and darkness. Humans are nothing but pawns. I know I sounded like an ingrate to the Lord Almighty but that’s what I feel the more I see the hell we are all living in. It’s really sad. I’ll attempt to answer the question working my way backwards. The way I see it from the Bible, at the end of Revelations when “time” is no more it says let him who is evil be evil still and let him who is righteous be righteous still.

To me this means in the next age we will be “locked” in so to speak to be fully what we were becoming during this life. If we had Jesus guiding us, we will fully have God guiding us for eternity.

Story Time Bad Mac Experience Too Young For Machine

The Bible also says that wheat and tares (a weed that looks just like wheat as it grows), must be allowed to grow together until all the harvest has come to maturity and it is fully evident what is good to be kept and what will be discarded into the fire. Lastly, God doesn’t start to really move hard into judgement of the world until most of the world has rejected Jesus and accepted instead of him some kind of false savior of the world (the anti-christ). The world takes his mark which somehow changes them, and they dismiss everyone who doesn’t join the world system by allowing them to first Read more ». This society/world is such a soul-crushing experience; some experience it worse than others. Some aren’t even given the chance.

Many of us.want. to change things for the better, but don’t know how or are met with roadblocks at every attempt. Most of us are not bad people; we don’t deserve to be effed around like this.

Innocent souls shouldn’t be born just to be tortured one way or another. To feel like we’re living under a curse. Or to know this way of living isn’t right yet still being enslaved to it. So many times I just want to quit this planet.

I want to save everyone, yet I can barely help myself. I hate that I question Our Father’s Plan because I don’t want to be Lucifer, but I don’t understand why He allows for children to be abused in the worst of ways, why He allows for good people to suffer so much yet evil reigns on. Most of us do not want this to continue, most of us would want to serve in Our Father’s army to eradicate evil. Why not allow us this chance? Particularly while the planet we inhabit can still be Read more ». This was the email I sent out to some friends about Mac”s death a few days ago.

Foreword, this is all purely speculation but it makes sense to me. Alright so the album is called “swimming”. The constant theme is that he was drowning but now he’s swimming out of the darkness. The main songs that give clues are “hurt feelings”, “come back to earth”, and “2009”. Also “self care”. Watch the music video. He’s in a coffin in it and writes “memento mori”.

Pci ven 8086 dev driver for mac. He breaks out of the coffin which I think could signify him breaking out of the darkness of the world and the “coffin” his soul was in as he remembers that he has to die. Also a quote in that song says “like September I fall.” He died in September. What a weird coincidence. When I first heard the album, I was surprised at the like wholesomeness of it for the most part. None of the songs were about drugs or money and none of them had the harder beats. Where his music used to be to where it was now was unbelievable. It was all slower and deeper stuff.

This was a different Mac. Still