Real Estate Flyer Template For Mac

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.UPDATE. Head over to to get It sucks that Mac users get the short end of the stick when it comes to marketing tools and templates that work on their Apple computers.

I personally use a Mac and trying to find real estate templates that work on the native Pages app is near impossible. So Rey and I got to work and decided to end this once and for all We’re still weeks away from the launch but we’re too excited to keep in a secret. Keep your eyes peeled because we’re about to launch the first ever comprehensive Real Estate Flyer Template designed specifically to work with Mac Pages! Here’s a sneak peek (if you’re interested in getting on the waiting list fill out the form below) Here are some of the main highlights: Specifically made for Mac Pages These templates were purposed built to work seamlessly with Pages. Upload them to your “My Templates” folder for easy access. Customize it!

You can re-arrange the layout, delete things, change fonts, colors, and add graphics! Customize as much or as little as you’d like.

Flyer + Back + Supporting Pages Each template package comes with a cover page, flyer, call-out flyer, back pages, and marketing support pages.

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. Looking for free, easy to edit flyer templates for your real estate business? You’ve come to the right place. Also be sure to – the affordable, easy to edit real estate website built for and conversion. Free Real Estate Flyer Templates Easy To Edit: Are you looking for some flyer templates that stand out from the competition? Sick of designs that look dated? We’ve put together 6 free real estate flyer templates that will help you out.

These templates are modern and fresh looking in their design. They let you easily make them yours. You can drag and drop images. We also are giving you them 100% for free. These free real estate flyer templates are everything you’ll need to get started today. In order to make is super easy to use, we made the templates in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Real Estate Flyer Template For Mac

For a Real Estate website built to compete in a 2018 market, is a great choice. The templates are really easy to use.

You simply:. Drag the images you want over the existing ones. And you’re good to go. There is an area for your logo. You add a nice write-up about the house. You can add your contact information and calls to action.

These free real estate flyer templates can help you increase the effectiveness of your in-person meetings, open houses, and drive-by visitors. A great flyer can get you more phone calls, showings, and potential offers. Every aspect of the flyer should be premeditated and present all the best features. LeadSites has so staying in touch with leads is quick and easy.

Unlike other free real estate flyer templates, we’ve focused on giving you a multitude of options. There are various types of flyers for the differing styles of homes. All these templates are easily editable on Macs or Windows computers. They are free to be used. And if you’re looking to increase the effectiveness of your marketing further,. Download them with the orange button and then edit them through Microsoft Office Word or Powerpoint on a Mac or PC. Ready to unlock the power of LeadSites?

For a free demo and exclusive BONUS! Free Real Estate Flyer Templates Preview: #1 – Big Hero Image with Many Smaller Images This free real estate flyer template lets you display a huge hero image. You can lure buyers in with a great picture of your house. It is then accompanied by 3 images on the left. Be sure to pay extra attention to the color of these side images.

Since these images are all in Microsoft PowerPoint, it’s really easy to add a boarder on them if you wish. Another pro tip is using Microsoft PowerPoints image cropping feature. You can crop your images so they fit the size you need. I suggest putting all the images you want on the page. Then, go back in and crop all the images so that they match the size you need.

This template is very flexible and can work for most houses. You’ll really want to be sure to use high quality images. Also, pay a lot of attention to the title. We gave you plenty of space to have a catchy title for your house. You can download these templates with the big orange download button at the top and bottom of this article. #2 – Hero Image With 2 Teasers Does your property deserve a huge image?

This template lets you serve up flyers that really highlight the beautiful curb appeal of our house. You can place a huge image at the top of your flyer and buyers will have a hard time forgetting your property.

You simply can’t hide the greatness of your property with this free real estate templates design. The cool thing about this template is that PowerPoint lets you resize everything easily! You can even add boarders to the images. I’d place the 3 images on the powerpoint where you want them. And then spend a solid 5 minutes messing around with the sizing. It will take a few tries to get it just right. PROTIP: Be sure to zoom in and make sure all of your images lineup just right.

When you print, images that aren’t lined up show up a lot easier and on a screen. Finally, make sure you match your fonts. A good tip is to match the font of your title with the font of your logo. This will make sure you have a similar style across the whole document. #3 – Large Hero Image Of The Property As The Focus Does your property have a great image? If so, use this template. A tantalizing image and headline will leave potential buyers wanting more.

And that’s a good thing. You want to save some breathtaking views for in-person visits! This also sets you up for some great calls to action.

Be sure to mess around with the fonts in PowerPoint when making this flyer. Different fonts can make all the difference!

I suggest a trying at least 5 fonts. Try printing them too when you are deciding which one you like. The font you use really can impact what your potential buyers think of the house. Also, be sure to crop the HERO image in an ideal way. PowerPoint has a great cropping tool that can help you perfectly position your image where it needs to go.

Professional Real Estate Flyer Templates

Finally, don’t skim on the details. There is a lot of room for text on this flyer. And use it well. Re-read and Re-write everything several times. Think about copywriting.

And ALWAYS use calls to action! Image Based Flyer This image-based flyer gives you more room to put various images. This flyer works best for houses that have a NOT-so-great curbside appeal. It lets you highlight the other features of the house and makes the front not so big. Great flyer for you to test your skills out on though! Your title is at the top of the page and needs to kill it! Make sure you have a VERY enticing title and highlight tons of great features in the write-up.

Finally, make your call to action quite strong. A good idea is to write this post from an AIDA perspective.

AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action The title captures your viewers’ attention. Why should they care more about this house than all others they’ll look at?

Then your body of text works them through their interests in the property and desire to see it live. Finally, you close with having them take action. Have them contact you or attend an open house.

Be sure to ask them for the action. It greatly improves the effectiveness of your flyers. How To Use The Flyers: If you’re new to writing flyers, you should read about copywriting. Copywriting is simply writing that sells. It’s whole point is to appeal to buyers and help them take action.

We’ve written a post about it. Be sure to check out our post. These flyer templates alone won’t sell houses. Copywriting will. And great images will. Copywriting helps you make your listings and flyers more compelling. It can help you get more buyers to take bigger actions.

You should really question each sentence you write on your flyers. Make sure it is compelling. A great formula that maximizes the effectiveness of your writing is: AIDA. A = Attention I = Interest D = Desire A = Action Read more about it.

You’ll definitely want to upgrade your free real estate flyer templates with these tips. A flyer has to convert prospects into people that contact you. And AIDA can definitely help you with that. The AIDA formula generally frames everything from the perspective of the potential buyer.

It helps them realize all the perks and should strike their interest in the property. Make sure the flyer is very succinct and striking this interest as you will have very limited time to capture the attention of potential buyers.

Your free real estate flyer templates have to present the unique selling features of that particular house and make people stubborn to look at other properties. A great free real estate flyer templates should flirt with prospective buyers. And show them just enough to get them interested! A Note On Typography: You can also mess with the typography of your free real estate flyer templates. In most Microsoft Office Powerpoint/Word installs, you’ll have a few options to work with. Try some serif and san-serif fonts.

Best Real Estate Flyer Template

Make sure you find something that matches the property you are designing the flyer for. If you need some new fonts for your free real estate flyer templates pdfs, check out They have over 1,000+ fonts for you to choose from and download. Be sure to download your flyers today! If you’re ready for a website that works as hard as you do –. With a LeadSite, you can start putting your ideas into action and watch your business grow. Also check out:.

Want some more places to get Free Real Estate Flyer Templates: 1) – These guys make the best real estate flyers. I’ve tried their platform and they have the best designs out there. Their editing system is really easy to use. Here’s an example of what you can get: 2) HLOOM These templates are free to download and can be attractive.

You can edit them all with Microsoft Office / Word. They are easy to print. 3) Snap Flyers Snap Flyers is not free. But they have some great flyer templates.

Real Estate Flyer Template For Mac Os

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