Fai'nese Digital Portfolio

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Welcome AUGUST 10, 2018: Links too long fix Do you have a problem with links not working properly? They may be too long for your version of Word. This is a problem on the MicroSoft side.here's your workaround: 1. Copy the link from the Digital Measures site 2.

Paste it into MS Word (NOTE: Do NOT use the 'Insert Hyperlink' functionality) 3. After pasting, just hit your 'SPACE' bar (which will create a hyperlink automatically for you. NOTE: The hyperlink will not work at this point yet.) 4. Right click on the hyperlink and go to Edit hyperlink.' Edit the box that says 'text to display' but do nothing to the URL/ 6. Click 'OK' The hyperlink will NOW work normally. NOTE: If you want to put a similar hyperlink into MS Excel, you still have to go through these steps in MS Word first.

Then you can cut/paste from there into your spreadsheet. AUGUST 5, 2018: Workflows are ready and all instructions are posted All workflows have now been created. All instructions and videos (steps 1-4) are now posted to the left under the 'Activity Insight' menu, item 'Portfolio Information for Candidates.' Please check these instructions immediately to learn how to check that you have the correct workflow. If you do not, contact immediately. JULY 17, 2018: Register to submit a portfolio All faculty have been receiving instructions on how to register to submit a portfolio, with a deadline of July 20. Please note that this only applies to faculty intending to submit a portfolio, since some people may be eligible for an optional review, and Faculty Affairs will need to know whether to expect a portfolio.

If you are planning to submit a portfolio, please follow the instructions in the email to register. If you are NOT planning to submit a portfolio, you may ignore these emails.

Note that July 20 is the deadline to REGISTER to submit a portfolio, NOT the deadline to submit the portfolio. UPDATE: Step 3, registering to submit a portfolio, is detailed in the instructional video created by Dr.

Traci Redish for the Bagwell College of Education Faculty. Questions should still go to digitalmeasures@kennesaw.edu, not to Dr. Redish, except for faculty in the Bagwell College. JUNE 13, 2018: CHANGES IN PROGRESS We are currently making changes to streamline how your data in Digital Measures Activity Insight appears.

The purpose is to make a simpler, more sensible appearance to users. For example, we will: (1) streamline some screens that really belong together (e.g., Department Service, College Service, etc., will all be one screen, with just a qualifier to choose from a drop-down) (2) rename some screens so that it is easier to understand what goes there (e.g., “Intellectual Property” will be renamed “Publications”) (3) make some screens visible only to the relevant users (e.g., “Librarianship” will only be visible to librarians).

We will maintain all existing data, so do not panic if you don’t see your data where you thought it would be — it’s probably on a screen that’s been moved or renamed. Also, please note that for portfolio submissions this year, we are moving some of the process from the screens directly to the workflow process. So you should work on steps 1 and 2, and hold off on steps 3 and 4, of the instructions at: If you have any questions, please email. APRIL 23, 2018: PLEASE NOTE UPCOMING CHANGES After working with a committee of faculty, staff and administrators looking into alternatives to Digital Measures “Activity Insight” (the platform used for submitting Promotion and Tenure portfolios as well as other portfolios), it has been determined that we will continue to use Activity Insight for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 Academic Years.

You will see some cosmetic changes in the appearance of Activity Insight. There are also updates being made to the “Workflow” module that is used to move portfolios through the system. These changes will begin in the next few days and will be in place for fall portfolio submissions.

The following message was posted by Provost Harmon on KSU Inform on February 28, 2013 Greetings! The Digital Measures software at KSU contains two modules: (1) Course Evaluation and (2) Faculty Activity Insight. The Course Evaluation module facilitates online course evaluations, and the Faculty Activity Insight module allows faculty members to capture all of their activities, such as teaching, scholarship, creative activity, and service. This module also allows the generation of electronic or hard-copy ARD’s, CV’s, etc.

When we rolled out the adoption of Digital Measures in 2011, we agreed to start with the student evaluation module and move slowly into the Faculty Activity Insight module. Some colleges already have mandated or encouraged faculty to use the Faculty Activity Insight module, and some other faculty members have been using it on a volunteer basis. The time has now arrived to move into the next phase of Faculty Activity Insight implementation.

In order to have a more streamlined and sustainable process, the entire campus will begin using the Faculty Activity Insight module for Annual Reviews as of January 1, 2014. That is, all activity for 2013 will be captured in Digital Measures and only electronic ARD’s will be used for the next review cycle. This timeline allows sufficient time for faculty members to start capturing their information in Digital Measures. Support will be provided to answer any questions. Furthermore, colleges will have latitude in deciding how many years of data are needed for this initial period. That is, some colleges may ask faculty members to enter data for more than just 2013.

I know there will be a learning curve and even some system glitches in the beginning; however, I have found Digital Measures to be a quick and efficient way to capture information. Thank you for your efforts in making this much-needed transition into this paperless (or near paperless) and more efficient process. Faculty Education and Graduate Status records update delayed (1/12/15) Due to technical communication issues between our Faculty Information System and the Digital Measures database, faculty education and graduate status records in Digital Measures have not been updated since the major FIS update and clean-up during the summer of 2014. We apologize for this delay, and will let you know when the update is complete. At that point, you will be able to check your Digital Measures record for accuracy.

Thank you for your patience. Note to CHSS Faculty on Annual Reviews: (1/4/15).CHSS Faculty: We have made some changes to your ARD and FPA forms so that you will not have to do as much editing to the Word document to match your accomplishments with your goals. You will be entering your 2014 goals into the screen labeled “Goals for your Faculty Performance Agreement” and then you will select the accomplishments that relate to that goal from a drop-down menu. Instructions to follow to create your report can be found at the link to the left labeled 'Annual Reviews Training and Help.' It should now all be working, so if you have any questions or problems, please email Meghan Burke. Have you finished your ARD and FPA? Then it's time to upload them into DM-FAI!

Log in, and go to 'Manage Your Activities.' Under 'General Information,' there is a screen called 'Performance Evaluations for Your Faculty Activity Report.' Enter the calendar year, and upload your final, signed ARD and/or FPA there. If you are not in the Coles or Engineering Colleges, you probably leave the rest of the fields on this screen blank. Note: The ARD that you just completed is for 2015, and the FPA you just completed is for 2016.

They will go on different screens. Eventually, your 2016 ARD will go on the same screen as your 2016 FPA. If you have your 2015 FPA, you can upload that to the same screen as your 2015 ARD.

Note:12/8/2013 We have discovered that the Graduate Faculty Status field in Academic Affairs' Faculty Information System (FIS) has not been updated in some time, perhaps as long as 2-3 years. This means that if Graduate Faculty Status is printed on an Annual Review Document, or on a Faculty Performance Agreement, it may not be current. To correct this issue, FIS will need to be updated, and then the changes will need to be uploaded into Digital Measures. This may not be done in time to meet some Annual Review deadlines. In those cases, faculty should edit that status on their ARD and FPA Word documents before emailing them to their chairs. The following message was posted by Provost Harmon on KSU Inform on February 28, 2013 Greetings! The Digital Measures software at KSU contains two modules: (1) Course Evaluation and (2) Faculty Activity Insight.

The Course Evaluation module facilitates online course evaluations, and the Faculty Activity Insight module allows faculty members to capture all of their activities, such as teaching, scholarship, creative activity, and service. This module also allows the generation of electronic or hard-copy ARD’s, CV’s, etc. When we rolled out the adoption of Digital Measures in 2011, we agreed to start with the student evaluation module and move slowly into the Faculty Activity Insight module. Some colleges already have mandated or encouraged faculty to use the Faculty Activity Insight module, and some other faculty members have been using it on a volunteer basis.

The time has now arrived to move into the next phase of Faculty Activity Insight implementation. In order to have a more streamlined and sustainable process, the entire campus will begin using the Faculty Activity Insight module for Annual Reviews as of January 1, 2014. That is, all activity for 2013 will be captured in Digital Measures and only electronic ARD’s will be used for the next review cycle. This timeline allows sufficient time for faculty members to start capturing their information in Digital Measures. Support will be provided to answer any questions. Furthermore, colleges will have latitude in deciding how many years of data are needed for this initial period.

Fai'nese Digital Portfolio Management


That is, some colleges may ask faculty members to enter data for more than just 2013. I know there will be a learning curve and even some system glitches in the beginning; however, I have found Digital Measures to be a quick and efficient way to capture information. Thank you for your efforts in making this much-needed transition into this paperless (or near paperless) and more efficient process.

Dainese Digital Portfolio College Board

Eljo JP, Finesse Participating at GITEX Technology Week for the eighth consecutive year, solutions provider Finesse is showcasing its end-to-end portfolio to enable regional customers to drive their digital transformation journeys. Eljo JP, director, Global Business Development, Finesse, said, “GITEX has always been an ideal platform for reinforcing the Finesse brand into this market.

It gives us a great opportunity to showcase new technologies together with our partners.” He added that the firm’s theme at GITEX this year is around digital transformation. “Customers can depend on us for all their digital transformation requirements, right from collection, processing, automation to generating important insights, which can assist them to take critical business-decisions.” One of the first steps to embark on the digital transformation journey is to collect the exponentially growing data. “At Finesse, we will help customers to completely automate and digitalise the whole process. Our innovative solutions can also help in processing the information through workflow systems, business process management and also through Robotic Process Automation (RPA).” The director also added that additionally the systems integrator offers solutions to generate in-depth insights through different technologies such as analytics, analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. He said, “Increasing number of customers are realising the importance of ensuring that security is deeply interwoven with their digital transformation strategies and solutions.

End customers are using many mobile devices and securing them should be a priority. We offer multi-factor authentication solutions to customers, especially for those in the banking and finance vertical. We offer customers end-to-end digital transformation solutions.”.