Stuart Langridge On Twitter: This Is Pretty Cool, For Mac

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Welcome to Episode 50 of Destination Linux for 12-18-17 In today’s episode we have a special guest who will be joining us to talk and discuss the news.

With all of the high-profile hacking incidents in the last several years, testing your code for security vulnerabilities has never been more important. Today Bitnami is happy to announce that software security suite Code Dx, our newest commercial software partner, is now available in the marketplace. Code Dx brings together a suite of code analysis tools to help you find and fix potential vulnerabilities in your software code. By correlating the results from multiple static analysis tools and aligning them on a common severity scale, Code Dx saves you time and ensures that no stone is left unturned in the quest to provide secure applications for your users. Code Dx is partnering with Bitnami to standardize its deployment across all platforms, starting with local installation packages for OS X, Windows, and Linux.

Bitnami-packaged cloud and virtual machine images will follow in subsequent Code Dx releases. We recently interviewed Matthew Weier O’Phinney, technical lead for the Zend Framework Project.

Zend Framework, a product of Zend Technologies, is an open source web framework implemented in PHP 5. Zend Technologies was founded by two Israeli college students with a love for the PHP language. From humble beginnings to becoming a leading provider of products and services for developers around the world, learn about Zend's history and their aspirations for the future. Listen and Learn:. How Zend was originally envisioned. Zend Framework's competitors and what they're doing 'right'. Predictions surrounding the introduction of Middleware.

Zend Framework's scalability and relationship with different environments. Various release strategies over time. How to take part in the community and become a contributor. Bitnami is excited to welcome contest-winner Open edX to the Bitnami Library. Open edX is the open-source online learning platform originally conceived by edX, a nonprofit online learning destination founded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University that offers courses from the world’s best universities and institutions.

The Open edX platform provides development tools to create, teach, and manage courses, student experiences, and learning outcomes at Internet scale. Online learning, both for small audiences and Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), are becoming a vital part of the global education landscape. In voting for Open edX in Bitnami’s monthly contest, users showed their strong demand to make it easy for colleges, universities, and anyone else to launch their own fully functional education platform in the cloud with just a few clicks. Each Open edX instance can host thousands of courses and hundreds of thousands of learners. Features like discussion boards, peer-to-peer, instructor-driven and automated assessments, simulations and activities, videos, social/community capabilities, and support for rich content types are part of the package.

The included course management system provides an array of authoring tools to help educators create effective course materials that foster the emergence of vibrant online learning communities. Analytics and data visualization tools enable in-depth analysis of students’ interaction with the platform. Get Open edX in just a few clicks with the Bitnami Open edX, (VMs),. We’re very happy to announce availability of the first set of Bitnami container images focused on the needs of application developers. We’ve been using containers internally for close to a year and have found them useful, both for local and cloud-based development and testing. Bitnami container images can help you:.

Reduce the time it takes to setup a developer on a new project. Reduce friction when sharing environments - experience less “but it worked on my machine?”. Mix and match languages for specific projects - with consistency, regardless of the components you select As with any rapidly evolving technology, we’ve run into a few bumps along the way, but believe that containers offer an interesting way to collaborate on your next software project and that they are complementary to our existing installers, virtual machines, and cloud images. We’re starting small and initially focused on the needs of Web developers. Today we’re announcing beta for nginx, php-fpm, mariadb, memcached, node, redis, apache, and ruby. Our container images have been built around some key ideas we wanted, but found lacking, in other publicly available container images.

Bitnami containers for Docker:. Share a common base OS (initially Ubuntu 14.04) to minimize time-to-get-started. Are kept up-to-date with consistent version tagging. Are easy to combine into a multi-tier application because they are consistently documented and take a standardized approach to configuration, bootstrapping, and logging. Separate data from code to enable upgrading of individual components.

Include run-time notification of new versions Bitnami container images are available now on the and on. A walk-through of how to is also available. We’re very interested in feedback from you on how these container images could be improved. Please or use cases on GitHub. We welcome contributions to the code, so please open a pull request if you have code to share. To get Bitnami container images for Docker. Download game fbi paranormal case for macbook. We caught up with Ozge to learn more about her journey as a founder, and her aspirations and future goals for topLog.

What is the most rewarding part of running your own business? Controlled chaos. Every day is chaotic in a start up but I feel like I have the power to control it. Even though that is not true many days, even the idea of “I have the power to control it” makes a control freak like me feel better. What advice would you give yourself before founding topLog? Because our technology is based on PhD research, we had many features of our product ready when we started. However, it was very challenging to build them all at once in an early stage product.

I would start with one main feature and get users based on that and keep adding more features on top of it. Sounds very obvious when I say it now, it wasn’t then.

What is the biggest hurdle you have faced or are still facing? Showing the value of our technology to our users. We were three PhD level Data Scientists when we started topLog.

I put a very ugly (looked cool then) UI together which would make sense to any data scientist but not to a DevOps engineer. I realized that after a few meetings with potential users and seeing their confused faces. We now have a brilliant UI/UX developer working with us but simplifying the UI while presenting all the information to the user is a continuous challenge. What are key milestones that must be achieved in the next 6-12 months? Creating more partnerships. Our first partnership, which happens to be with Bitnami, has proved to us the importance of teaming up with others in our market.

It increases visibility, brings us necessary users to fine-tune our product while we scale, and open ourselves up to new opportunities as well as complimenting others’ products, ultimately bringing the end users a more complete, all-in-one solution. If you could be any superhero, which one could you be? I’m too realistic to believe in magical superheroes and I love technology., or for 1 hour. Already using it? And let other Bitnami users know what you like about it. Bitnami is dedicated to making it super simple to run awesome applications and development stacks in the cloud.

That's why today we're pleased to announce support for the VMware hybrid cloud 'VMware vCloud Air' alongside the leading public cloud providers we already support. The gives you instant access to more than 100 popular applications, pre-configured and optimized for vCloud Air suitable for small, medium or large companies. The launchpad includes line-of-business applications and developer stacks that, combined with the vCloud Air platform, can take your next project from zero to production in record-time. If you are looking for a production-ready cloud that is fully compatible with your onsite data center, you’ll want to check out this new offering. Get started in 5 minutes or less.

for VMware's Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand service. or to select an application or development stack. directly from the Bitnami vCloud Air OnDemand Launchpad The Bitnami Launchpad for VMware vCloud Air is free to use. VMware will only charge you directly for the cloud resources you consume. New to VMware? New users can claim a $300 service credit with vCloud Air to use during the first 90 days. Watch this short video for a step-by-step tutorial on how to get up and running.


Ready to run your favorite app on VMware vCloud Air OnDemand now? For VMware vCloud Air OnDemand. Already tried it? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Stuart Langridge On Twitter: This Is Pretty Cool For Mac Free

We recently interviewed, Eli White, co-owner of the popular tech journal, phparchitect and key influencer in the PHP world. Phparchitect is the only magazine exclusively dedicated to the world of PHP offering books, web training, and conferences aimed at spreading knowledge and unifying the community. From PHP’s early beginnings to running 82% of the web today, learn about the creation and resurgence of this popular language. Listen and Learn:. How did PHP, with a seemingly “bad” reputation, became a fully featured object-oriented language?.

What does movement towards cloud deployment mean for PHP?. How to get involved in your local PHP community/meetup group. Today OrangeHRM joins Bitnami as the first Human Resource Management application in the of popular applications. Launched in 2005, is a popular open source HR management tool that lets you efficiently manage your valuable human resources.

This free HR management system offers a wealth of modules to suit the needs of your business. The system is feature-rich, intuitive and provides an essential HR management platform. They also have free documentation and access to a broad community of users who help enhance the system.

We are pleased to announce that ProcessMaker Enterprise Edition is now available in the! ProcessMaker Enterprise Edition is a workflow and business process management (BPM) platform designed to automate workflows and improve business efficiency. Technology leaders looking for a way to replace paper forms, cumbersome excel spreadsheets, and scattered email approval trails can now automate a wide variety of approval request forms and workflows quickly and easily through Bitnami and ProcessMaker Enterprise edition. If you are a Business Analyst or IT Director in search of a solution, this is a tool that should not be missed. Or, learn more about the OroCRM project in our interview with Motti Danino, Vice President of Operations at Oro. What is the goal of the OroCRM application?

No two business are alike, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. In creating OroCRM, our guiding principle was to build a flexible, open- source CRM application that could be customized to fit any business need. We also recognized that businesses are becoming increasingly multi-channel selling and communicating across multiple channels. We built from the ground up, a truly multi-channel CRM, allowing businesses of all sizes to have a single view of their customers. What are some of the features of OroCRM?

OroCRM is an extremely flexible and extendible application. Some customers use the robust features OroCRM offers out of the box.

Others extend and customize the features to meet their exact business needs. OroCRM’s unique capabilities include: ease of integration with other systems such as eCommerce, ERP, POS, email management PIM etc, robust multi-channel support allowing organizations to obtain a single 360° view of their customers, productivity tools for sales people and sales managers, and comprehensive marketing capabilities allowing marketers to customize marketing campaigns to the specific interests of their customers. Which projects or organizations are using OroCRM currently? What kind of projects do they use it for? Many organizations around the world use OroCRM. Traditional B2B, multi–channel and online retailers realized that OroCRM, with its unique set of tools and flexibility, will fit their business needs.

We have customers in every vertical, retail, financial services, pharmaceutical, franchises, eCommerce, and B2B are just a few of the types of companies that are gaining value from OroCRM’s unique set of capabilities. What do you expect will be the main benefits of having Bitnami packages available for OroCRM? Bitnami’s packaged solution will allow the organization and user to easily gain access and test OroCRM. The users will be able to quickly install OroCRM and appreciate it’s performance, capabilities, features and most of all its flexibility and the ability to customize it to fit their business needs. Want your favorite app to be part of the Bitnami Library? Enter it in our monthly! Ready to try OroCRM now?