Initial Commit (cbe6b198 Commits Examples Learning Autocad

Posted by admin

Showing 255 changed files with 5,059 additions and 0 deletions. @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ source ' # Declare your gem's dependencies in ltipublicresources.gemspec. # Bundler will treat runtime dependencies like base dependencies, and # development dependencies will be added by default to the:development group.

Gemspec # Declare any dependencies that are still in development here instead of in # your gemspec. These might include edge Rails or gems from your path or # Git.

Remember to move these dependencies to your gemspec before releasing # your gem to # To use debugger # gem 'debugger' gem 'pry-debugger '.


@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ PATH remote:. Specs: ltipublicresources ( 0.0. 1) activepublicresources ( 0.0. 5) ims -lti rails ( 4.0. 2) GEM remote: https: / / specs: actionmailer ( 4.0. 2) actionpack ( = 4.0.

2) mail ( 2.5. 4) actionpack ( 4.0. 2) activesupport ( = 4.0. 2) builder ( 3.1.

0) erubis ( 2.7. 0) rack ( 1.5. 2) rack - test ( 0.6. 2) activepublicresources ( 0.0. 5) activemodel ( = 4.0.

0) activesupport ( = 4.0. 0) vimeo ( 1.5. 3) activemodel ( 4.0.

2) activesupport ( = 4.0. 2) builder ( 3.1. 0) activerecord ( 4.0. 2) activemodel ( = 4.0. 2) activerecord -deprecatedfinders ( 1.0.

2) activesupport ( = 4.0. 2) arel ( 4.0. 0) activerecord -deprecatedfinders ( 1.0. 3) activesupport ( 4.0.

Initial Commit (cbe6b198 Commits Examples Learning Autocad 2016

2) i18n ( 0.6, = 0.6. 4) minitest ( 4.2) multijson ( 1.3) threadsafe ( 0.1) tzinfo ( 0.3. 37) arel ( 4.0. 1) atomic ( 1.1. 14) builder ( 3.1.

4) coderay ( 1.1. 0) columnize ( 0.3.

6) debugger ( 1.6. 3) columnize ( = 0.3. 1) debugger -linecache ( 1.2.

0) debugger -rubycoresource ( 1.2. 4) debugger -linecache ( 1.2. 0) debugger -rubycoresource ( 1.2.

4) erubis ( 2.7. 0) hike ( 1.2.

3) httparty ( 0.12. 0) json ( 1.8) multixml ( = 0.5. 2) httpclient ( 2.3. 4.1) i18n ( 0.6. 9) ims -lti ( 1.1. 4) builder oauth ( 0.4. 5) uuid json ( 1.8.

1) macaddr ( 1.6. 1) systemu ( 2.5. 0) mail ( 2.5. 4) mime -types ( 1.16) treetop ( 1.4. 8) methodsource ( 0.8. 2) mime -types ( 1.25. 1) minitest ( 4.7.

5) multijson ( 1.8. 2) multixml ( 0.5. 5) multipart -post ( 1.2. 0) oauth ( 0.4. 7) polyglot ( 0.3.

3) pry ( 0.9. 12.4) coderay ( 1.0) methodsource ( 0.8) slop ( 3.4) pry -debugger ( 0.2. 2) debugger ( 1.3) pry ( 0.9. 10) rack ( 1.5. 2) rack - test ( 0.6. 2) rack ( = 1.0) rails ( 4.0.

2) actionmailer ( = 4.0. 2) actionpack ( = 4.0. 2) activerecord ( = 4.0. 2) activesupport ( = 4.0. 2) bundler ( = 1.3.

0) railties ( 4.0. 2) actionpack ( = 4.0. 2) activesupport ( = 4.0. 2) rake ( = 0.8.

7) thor ( = 0.18. 1, 1.2) multijson ( 1.0) rack ( 1.0) tilt ( 1.1,!= 1.3. 0) sprockets -rails ( 2.0. 1) actionpack ( = 3.0) activesupport ( = 3.0) sprockets ( 2.8) sqlite3 ( 1.3. 8) systemu ( 2.5.

2) thor ( 0.18. 1) threadsafe ( 0.1. 3) atomic tilt ( 1.4.

1) treetop ( 1.4. 15) polyglot polyglot ( = 0.3. 1) tzinfo ( 0.3. 38) uuid ( 2.3. 7) macaddr ( 1.0) vimeo ( 1.5.

3) httparty ( = 0.4. 5) httpclient ( = 2.1.

5.2) json ( = 1.1. 9) multipart -post ( = 1.0. 1) oauth ( = 0.4. 3) PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES ltipublicresources! Pry -debugger sqlite3. @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ Copyright 2013 YOURNAME Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Initial Commit (cbe6b198 Commits Examples Learning Autocad

Initial Commit (cbe6b198 Commits Examples Learning Autocad Pdf

THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ begin require 'bundler/setup ' rescue LoadError puts 'You must `gem install bundler` and `bundle install` to run rake tasks ' end require 'rdoc/task ' RDoc:: Task. New(:rdoc) do rdoc rdoc.rdocdir = 'rdoc ' rdoc.title = 'LtiPublicResources ' rdoc.options. @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ module LtiPublicResources class ApplicationController ' ',:contenttype = 'text/plain ' end end end end.