Downloads (all)

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. Chrome. Extend the Browser. Web Store Publishing and Distribution. Mobile Chrome. Chrome OS.

Apps. Native Client. Chrome APIs. Extensions APIs. Apps APIs. DangerType Enum 'file', 'url', 'content', 'uncommon', 'host', 'unwanted', 'safe', or 'accepted' file The download's filename is suspicious.

Url The download's URL is known to be malicious. Content The downloaded file is known to be malicious.

Uncommon The download's URL is not commonly downloaded and could be dangerous. Host The download came from a host known to distribute malicious binaries and is likely dangerous. Unwanted The download is potentially unwanted or unsafe. It could make changes to browser or computer settings. Safe The download presents no known danger to the user's computer. Accepted The user has accepted the dangerous download. Download a URL.

If the URL uses the HTTPS protocol, then the request will include all cookies currently set for its hostname. If both filename and saveAs are specified, then the Save As dialog will be displayed, pre-populated with the specified filename. If the download started successfully, callback will be called with the new 's downloadId. If there was an error starting the download, then callback will be called with downloadId=undefined and will contain a descriptive string. The error strings are not guaranteed to remain backwards compatible between releases.

Extensions must not parse it. Parameters object options What to download and how. String url The URL to download. String (optional) filename A file path relative to the Downloads directory to contain the downloaded file, possibly containing subdirectories. Absolute paths, empty paths, and paths containing back-references '.'

Will cause an error. Allows suggesting a filename after the file's MIME type and a tentative filename have been determined. (optional) conflictAction The action to take if filename already exists.

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Boolean (optional) saveAs Use a file-chooser to allow the user to select a filename regardless of whether filename is set or already exists. Enum of 'GET', or 'POST' (optional) method The HTTP method to use if the URL uses the HTTPS protocol. Array of object (optional) headers Extra HTTP headers to send with the request if the URL uses the HTTPs protocol.

Each header is represented as a dictionary containing the keys name and either value or binaryValue, restricted to those allowed by XMLHttpRequest. Properties of each object. During the filename determination process, extensions will be given the opportunity to override the target. Each extension may not register more than one listener for this event. Each listener must call suggest exactly once, either synchronously or asynchronously. If the listener calls suggest asynchronously, then it must return true. If the listener neither calls suggest synchronously nor returns true, then suggest will be called automatically.

The will not complete until all listeners have called suggest. Listeners may call suggest without any arguments in order to allow the download to use downloadItem.filename for its filename, or pass a suggestion object to suggest in order to override the target filename. If more than one extension overrides the filename, then the last extension installed whose listener passes a suggestion object to suggest wins. In order to avoid confusion regarding which extension will win, users should not install extensions that may conflict.

If the download is initiated by and the target filename is known before the MIME type and tentative filename have been determined, pass filename to instead.

DownThemAll (or just dTa) is a powerful yet easy-to-use Mozilla Firefox extension that adds new advanced download capabilities to your browser. DownThemAll lets you download all the links or images contained in a webpage and much more: you can refine your downloads by fully customizable criteria to get only what you really want. DownThemAll is all you can desire from a download manager: it features an advanced accelerator that increases speed up to 400%, it allows you to pause and resume downloads at any time and, last but not least, it's fully integrated into your! Sorry again, but I got a bit overwhelmed with/distracted by other stuff so could work less on DownThemAll! Lite than I anticipated, and I also keep running into limitations/quirks/bugs/idiocrasies of the WebExtension APIs (and sometimes HTML5 stuff as implemented by Firefox). So, even though I wanted to have something presentable by now, I failed my self-set deadline once more. While my development version can make.some.

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simple downloads already, there is still problems with other more complicated types of downloads that need e.g. Special handling of headers. And downloading large files is still far from what I expect/want performance-wise. I’ll stop promising certain dates at this point.

I will only promise that I’ll work as quick as possible. For the curious: I started writing the first bits of code back in late August and worked on it since then (of course not full-time, as it doesn’t pay my bills). Now the “big” to-do items are mostly done, and what’s left is to get all the nitty-gritty details and edge cases right, or at least right enough that I won’t be ashamed about the product.

November 10, 2017. Initially I planned to have a release version of DownThemAll! Lite (aka the WebExtension) ready for launch of Firefox Quantum. Well, Quantum will be released in a few days from now, and DTA Lite is not nearly ready. There were some bits that turned out to be more fiddly than I anticipated, then some freelancing work (what actually pays my rent) took longer than anticipated, and then some medical stuff (nothing to worry, but still preventing me from spending the time I originally planned for DTA) and other personal stuff This all completely made me miss my timeline I planned. Please bear in mind that essentially DTA Lite, even tho it’s only “lite”, will be more or a less a complete rewrite, even though it will reuse a lot of the concepts.

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Therefore, looking at my calendar, DTA Lite will take another month at least. I hope I’ll get to a point where I can release a beta version for early adopters/testers in 2-3 weeks and then 1-2 weeks after that a stable full release. In the mean time, there is still the full DownThemAll! Which can be used with at least the pre-Quantium Firefox (such as the ESR). I’d also really like to rant how stupid and limited most of the WebExtensions APIs are, but I feel I ranted too much already.

Bonus Screenshot The manager tab, recently, with some demo downloads I used to test how stuff will look like. The design is still a work in progress. (technically, it still even works in Quantum Nightly, with some minor changes and a lot of “convincing”, because, again, mozilla’s reason to disable legacy extensions is not a technical need due to Quantum but entirely a political decision at this point).