Wordpress Installation Step By Step In Xampp For Mac

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  1. Wordpress Installation Step By Step In Xampp For Mac

. Testing themes. Customizing themes locally. Testing/developing plugins. Writing posts disconnected from the internet. There are many more situations where having an offline installation of WordPress is helpful. As far I know, most of the developers use offline WordPress as a testing environment.

If you are a beginner and looking forward to having an offline installation of WordPress on your Windows-based desktop or laptop, this is a step by step tutorial for you. For this tutorial, I will be using XAMPP, which in layman’s language is something that lets you create a web server on your local machine.

Wordpress Installation Step By Step In Xampp For Mac

Just to clarify, the term “local host” is synonymous to “Windows desktop/laptop”. In the following tutorial, I will show you how to install XAMPP first & then how to set up WordPress. By the end, you will have WordPress up & running on your Windows System.

The following things will be covered in this mega tutorial:. How to download and install XAMPP on Windows. How to set up a MySQL Database. How to download and install WordPress on XAMPP. Goal: To have WordPress up & running on Windows for offline usage. Before we move on, let’s first understand about XAMPP and WordPress. About XAMPP: XAMPP enables the desktop to run web services such as PHP and MySQL which are the required components for running WordPress.

In simple words, it enables all the necessary components that require running WordPress on your local machine. XAMPP stands for c ross-platform ( X), A pache, M ySQL, P HP, and P ERL. Apart from Windows, it also works on other desktop OSs such as Linux & Mac.

About WordPress: WordPress is the most popular CMS (content management system) out there., WordPress is powering more than 27% of websites in the world. It’s completely free to use, secure, available in different languages, and offers powerful features like responsive mobile sites, SEO friendliness, media management, customizable designs, high security, etc. You can learn more about WordPress in our earlier guide:. Let’s begin with the process.

Contents. Installing XAMPP on Windows: Run WordPress Locally. First,. The software is 109 MB. Launch the installer. You will see a pop-up with a warning message whether you want to run the software or not. Click “ YES” and proceed further.

Click “ Next” to run the XAMPP setup. Select the components that you want to install along with XAMPP.

By default, all the options are checked. Just in case you don’t need some, you can uncheck them.

Click “ Next” to proceed. Select the installation folder where you want to keep XAMPP. By default, it will be installed in the C drive. Click “ Next” to proceed. Click “ Next” again.

You will see a screen that says XAMPP is ready to install. Click “ Next” to proceed further. This will begin the XAMPP installation. Wait for a moment and let the installation process finish. Your windows firewall might ask for permission. If you see a screen like the one shown below, click on “Allow access” to the Apache HTTP Server.

This will finish up the XAMPP installation process. Click “ Finish”. Select the language in the next step and click “Save”. This will launch the XAMPP Control Panel. You have successfully installed XAMPP on your local machine, and both Apache and MySQL are running successfully.

Type “ in your browser to confirm that XAMPP is installed on your machine. You will see something like this: How To Set Up MySQL Database For WordPress Before installing WordPress, we need to set up the database.

Click the “ Admin” option in the XAMPP Control Panel. This will redirect you to (phpMyAdmin Interface) in your browser. Go to “ Databases” and create a new table.

Name it anything you like and click “ Create”. I called mine “wordpress”. How To Download and Install WordPress on XAMPP Time to install WordPress on XAMPP. To do this, head over to. Click “ Download WordPress”. You will be redirected to the next page where you can download the latest version of WordPress. WordPress will be downloaded in a zip format. To run WordPress on XAMPP, you need to unzip the WordPress zip file under the XAMPP folder.

To do this, go to the XAMPP folder on your computer and open the htdocs folder. (Path would be C:/XAMPP/htdocs) and unzip WordPress there. Open the WordPress folder and find the wp-config-sample.php file and rename it to “ wp-config.php “ (just right click on the file and rename it). Open the wp-config file in a text editor. In my case, I’m using.

Scroll down until you find these lines: The above lines of code will define the login details for your database. Let’s replace those lines with the following:. Replace databasenamehere with the name of your database, which in this case is wordpress. Replace usernamehere with root.

Leave the passwordhere as blank. Once you make the above changes, your wp-config file will look like this:. Just save the file. Type in your browser. This is where the fun part begins. You will see the translation screen from where you can select your desired language for WordPress.

Click “ Continue”. In the next step, fill out your database, username, and click “ Submit”. This will be same as what we did with the wpconfig file:. Database name: wordpress. Username: root. Password: (leave blank).

Run the WordPress installation now. Set up your Site Title, Username, Email, and Password and click “ Install WordPress”. You have successfully installed WordPress on XAMPP (on your local machine). Now you will be redirected to the login page. Just log in with your credentials and play around! Once you are logged in, you will see the WordPress Dashboard: What’s Next? Well, now it’s up to you.

You can do anything you want like the stuff I mentioned at the start of this guide. You can also make a copy of your live site on your localhost for testing. For this, you can use the. Or you can use it to learn about WordPress. Here are some tutorials that you can follow to make the most out your local WordPress installation:.

I hope the above step-by-step guide helps you to run WordPress locally on Windows. If you have any questions or doubts, just post in the comments section, and I will surely help. If you like the post, do share it with your friends and help them to learn WordPress!

. Unlike many blogging platforms, WordPress gives you the freedom to use it locally.

All you need to do is set up a or XAMPP (for Windows) and then you can install WordPress on your computer. Right now, you must be thinking – why should I install WordPress on my local computer? In order to use WordPress, you need to buy a hosting account. So it is better to get a feel of the CMS on your local computer first, and then buy a hosting account based on your needs. Not only that – before using a new theme or a plugin on your existing website, it is always recommended to use them on a staging site or on your local WordPress installation. The new theme or plugin may conflict with the core files or the existing plugins and this will break your live website.

Also, a locally installed WordPress site helps theme and plugin developers to test and tweak their codes on their computer. They don’t have to depend on any internet connection and a remote server.

This speeds up the overall development process and saves a lot of time. Now that you know the advantages, it is time to get started with the actual process of installing WordPress on your Windows computer using XAMPP. So, what do we need?.

Local server – We will use XAMPP to create a local server environment on our PC. WordPress software – You can download the latest version from Install XAMPP XAMPP is a web server solution that allows you to run PHP and MySQL codes.

Since WordPress runs using PHP and needs MySQL to store data, hence we will use XAMPP as our local server. So head over to and download the latest version of XAMPP for Windows. Once done, let’s install it on our computer by starting the setup process. XAMPP can be installed just like any other software.

However, there are some important things which I’ll share with you. When asked to select components, you should check MySQL and phpMyAdmin. Apache and PHP will be installed by default. These four components are important for us. You may uncheck the rest. Next step is to select the folder on which you want XAMPP to be installed. In my case, I have installed it on C: drive.

However, you can install it on any folder you like. In the next step, you will be given information about Bitnami for XAMPP application modules. You don’t have to install any such module as we will install WordPress manually. So uncheck the Learn more about Bitnami for XAMPP option and proceed to the next step. Rest of the process is simple. Just follow the steps and the software will be installed without any problem.

Once installed, let us open the XAMPP Control Panel. You will see a window like the following: Time to test whether our local server is working properly or not!

Start Apache and MySQL using the XAMPP Control Panel – this will start our server. Now open your web browser and go to If you see the XAMPP start page just like the following, your local server is working perfectly. Create Database The second step is to create a database which will store important data like posts, categories, tags, and other details. Open your web browser and go to Make sure you have started the services Apache and MySQL from the XAMPP control panel before opening the mentioned address.

You will find the existing databases on the left side of this page. Let us now create the database for our local WordPress installation. Click on Database and a new page will open up: You will find a text box asking for the new database name. You can name it as per your wish.

But make sure you remember it. Let me name it wordpress and click on Create. That’s it, the database has been created. Simple, isn’t it? However, our database is empty. We have to connect it with WordPress, which we will do in the next step. Install WordPress As you know, WordPress is an open source software.

So visit to download the latest version of the software. Once you have downloaded it, open the zip folder and copy the WordPress folder inside C:/xampp/htdocs/. It’s time to start the installation process.

You can do this using any one of the following methods:. Without editing wp-config.php file (Recommended for non-programmers). wp-config.php file Without Editing wp-config.php file This method is best for those who find it difficult to deal with codes. Just follow the steps and install WordPress on your local computer. First of all, you need to open your web browser and type the following URL in the address bar.

This will open the language selection page. Again, make sure Apache and MySQL are running.

If not, start them from the XAMPP control panel. WordPress is available in many languages. You can select any language of your choice.

Let me choose English (United States) and click on Continue. A welcome page will open up and will inform that you need some information like database name, username, password and hostname on the next page. These are required for connecting the database to your WordPress installation.

We have all the information we need. So, click on Let’s go. Now you need to enter the following database details on this page: 1. Database Name – wordpress. If you have named it something other than wordpress, please enter that name. Username – root. The default username is root unless you have changed it. Password – The default password is set as blank. Database Host – localhost 5.

Table Prefix – wp Once you have entered the above details, please click on Submit and proceed to the next page. Now click on Run the install and wait for WordPress to communicate with the database.

Remember – if the information provided in the database details page are not correct, you will get some errors. WordPress will now connect to the database successfully and a page will open up asking you to enter blog details like site name, username, password and email. Make sure you remember your username and password as you will need them to log in to your WordPress Dashboard. Once you are done, click on Install WordPress. This will take maximum 5 minutes to install the software on your computer.

Once complete, a success page will open up. Now click on Log in to go to the login page. Enter your username and password and click on Log in.

This will take you to the WordPress Dashboard. You have successfully installed WordPress on your local computer. Wpconfig.php file This method is for those who have some programming knowledge. If you don’t have any coding experience, better follow the above method. WordPress folder comes with a file called wp-config-sample.php.

This file contains the code that can communicate with the database. We will edit this file and will save it as wpconfig.php. So go to C:/xampp/htdocs/wordpress and open wp-config-sample.php file.

You can open the file using Notepad that comes with Windows. You can also use any text editor like Notepad or Sublime Text. Let me use Notepad to open the wp-config-sample.php file. Now find the following code.

Define ( 'DBHOST', 'localhost' ); If your database name is anything other than wordpress, please edit the above code with that name. The database username is root, the password should be kept blank, and the hostname should be localhost. Once done, save the file as wp-config.php. Now open your browser and go to.


If the details provided in the wpconfig.php file are correct, then the language selection page will open up and will ask you to select your preferred language. In the next page, you will be asked to enter blog details like website name, username, password, and email.

After filling the required details, click on Install WordPress. Once the process is complete, you will be redirected to a success page. You have installed WordPress locally using the wpconfig.php method. Endnote What are you waiting for?

Try to install WordPress on your Windows computer using XAMPP. If you face any problem, let me know using the comment section and I will solve it for you. If you liked this article, please share it on your favorite social media profile 😉.