Bru Pe For Mac

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Bru pe for mac pro

I'm having unbelievably bad luck with BRU PE lately. It magically stopped accepting my password on my El Capitan installation after working fine for months, so I did a totally clean install of Sierra 10.12.6 on a partition. The ONLY software I've installed are drivers for my ATTO RAID (plus Java for OS X), my Nvidia Titan, and BRU PE. Systems don't get any cleaner. BRU PE launches OK - FINALLY accepting my password. But, Tape Import Tool is giving me a BOGUS error message: 'BRU PE Not Installed The BRU PE Tempe Import Tool can't fin the 'brunette' binary file. This file is required to import BRU tapes and installed by the BRU PRoducer's Edition installation package.

Please install BRU Produce's Edition and try again.' The part about ' installed by the BRU PRoducer's Edition installation package' is OBVIOUSLY FALSE. I hope somebody can tell me how to fix this. I contacted Tolis, and they want a ransom for their 'Extended Support,' before they'll help me with their defective product.

I thought I'd see if anybody here has already been run through the ringer, and would be willing to advise me, before I pay extra to get their software to work as it should. Thanks in advance. Jim, If BRU PE was working and then 'magically' stopped working, BRU didn't change, so guess what. Something on your system did. In this case, our product isn't defective, and that's not a bogus error message (not as autocorrect 'fixed' it for you) - Apple keeps changing the rules on how vendors must install non-App Store applications.

We try to keep things sorted, but quite often, the fact that we continue to support Mac OS all the way back to 10.6.8 causes 'disagreements' with Apple's decisions. What you have run into is one such situation. $279 ($251 if you renew before your current support expires) for support and a year of upgrades is far from 'ransom', so I'm a bit dismayed at your attitude with this.

Also, I checked with Kayleigh and she shows no record of you having contacted the support team in at least the last 6 months. And, as a BRU PE user since 2010, you know how our support structure works. Finally, if you HAD contacted support, we would have helped you with such an issue even if your support was expired. These types of hit and run posts don't help either of us - it doesn't solve your problem and it doesn't identify an issue to us that isn't showing up for very many people.

If you send an email to the tolistechs at tolisgroup dot com address, the team will provide you with a fix for the issue that Apple's latest security updates for 10.12/10.13 has caused. Tim - Tim Jones CTO - TOLIS Group, Inc. Because it's the RESTORE that matters! Tim, I corresponded with Bob in Sales about this issue on August 11, 2017 on my MacPro running El Capitan, after several years of it working more or less OK, when BRU PE first decided to stop authenticating, and the Tape Import tool started lying to me about BRU PE not being installed. It was then that I was told that I'd have to pony up $279 to have anybody from Tolis help with my issue, contradicting your claim that they would have helped me with my issue.

If you want to back up that claim, please help me now. Again, I did a totally fresh OS install with no other drivers except those for basic functioning, and the latest build of Tape Import Tool STILL doesn't work properly. Seems to me that mission critical software like BRU should be capable of surviving Apple's security updates or whatever, and should just work when CUSTOMERS first install it. I'd appreciate being treated more like a customer whose business is valued from Tolis, and not a serf. I'm dismayed at YOUR attitude.

I run lots of other software, and Tolis software is the ONLY software that has given me this much grief, since I abandoned Avid Media Composer a decade ago for FCP and then Adobe CC. Jim Curtis MacPro 3,1; 2x4 3GHz; 32G RAM all the same brand; 10.6.8; QT 7.6.6; Kona LHi in PCI slot 3 (9.0.3); Primary display: 30' ACD; Monitoring: Kona LHi SDI to AJA HDP2 converter to HDMI on the HP DreamColor.

Bob was right about the other issues and requiring that you purchase a support plan. For our team to help you troubleshoot issues on your Mac would require that. We have always published that when you purchase one of our software solutions, you get 30 days of support from the invoice date if you don't also purchase the extended support plan. It's just like Apple Care - if you buy a new Mac without Apple Care, you get 90 days of software support. After that, you have to pay for software support.

So, I'm not contradicting his statement, he was telling you what he is supposed to tell you for your base problem. Bob is in Sales, so he's not a proper contact for technical questions. This is why we have a separate support team. As to why BRU PE stopped working, I'll say again - if BRU PE was working and then magically (your word) stopped working on your 10.11 system, and you didn't change BRU PE, then what did change?

If BRU PE didn't change and you started having problems, doesn't it make sense that something else on your system changed? There is no way for us to know what Apple's thinking or what will be required of us in their next release. If that were possible, the entire Apple universe would be a better place. The issue with the Import Tool is a very different situation. Even though Apple's security fix and implementation changes caused the problem that you have witnessed, we did resolve it within our software and that update is being made available to all BRU PE users - regardless of their support status.

I see in our support records that Mike responded to you today and provided you with the updated version of the Import Tool that now takes into account the myriad different file location scenarios caused by Apple's changes. As I mentioned, we continue to support Mac OS users back to 10.6.8 (of which we still have quite a number). All that I can say about our support process is that it has been our policy since 1987 and your reseller recommended that you include support as part of your purchase back in 2010 - which you declined. You then purchased support in 2012 for 2012-2013, but only to get the 3.x update.

You have been aware of our policy since you started using the product, but you've not purchased extended support since then and used every possible end-around on our policy that you could to get help - including public forums that are not TOLIS Group support vehicles. Pci ven 8086 dev driver for mac download. Tim - Tim Jones CTO - TOLIS Group, Inc. Because it's the RESTORE that matters!

Mike from your Support Group sent me a build of BRU PE Import Tool that will launch and import tapes in both El Capitan and Sierra. So, thank you, Tim for your advice to contact the Support Group. I don't think it's unrealistic for software vendors to keep pace with the operating systems their software runs on, and to release patches and fixes when the OS changes. Nvidia and ATTO do this continuously, without charge. ATTO support is some of the best I've ever experienced. As to the issue with authentication, Mike kindly explained that the issue is related to Apple security updates (which may be why I was 'magically' bounced from being able to authenticate) and Tolis not being an 'identified developer' in the Mac Security & Privacy firewall built into OSX, and that Tolis has to do some hoop jumping to stay compatible with OSX 10.6 onward.

I don't run BRU PE every day - not even every week, so I didn't make the connection between a security update and BRU PE locking me out of Admin access. Jim Curtis MacPro 5,1; 6-core 3.06 GHz; 128 G RAM all the same brand; dual boot: 1011.6 & 10.12.6; QT 7.6.6; Primary display: 4K HP Dreamcolor; secondary: 24' HP DreamColor; Nvidia TITAN GPU; ATTO R680 RAID5 16TB; ATTO H680 HBA for HP LTO5 tape; USB3 PCIe card; latest drivers all around. Adobe has a forum monitored by Adobe employees offering support. So does Avid. Avid tried the ransom model, and last I checked (when I abandoned them around 2010) it was ongoing (and probably necessary for complicated large installations), but they must have realized that in the age of the internet and public forums, it's not a great idea to allow disgruntled customers to trash the company without stepping in to do some damage control - and if that requires free support, then so be it. It's a coincidence that I happen to be working on a project now for a big and getting bigger health care company who has come to realize this. They have two people on staff whose full time jobs are to scour social media for complaints, and to respond quickly to them.

Their reply usually starts along the lines of 'We're sorry that we have not met your expectations. Let's see what we can do to address your concerns.' They don't point fingers and accuse and belittle customers, even when they're wrong or uninformed, as the worst examples of 'customer service' advocates are wont to do. Tolis seems to have done away with their BRU PE user to user support mail list that didn't have much traffic. They have a woefully out of date 'knowledge base' (consisting of a whole 22 articles going back five or six years for BRU PE).

I joined the Cow years ago, but it fell into disuse as I've learned to solve most of my own problems. I googled to find this forum for archiving, and is the only one I found geared toward the production industry. That makes this the more or less de facto user forum for thrifty BRU PE users. Slings and arrows.

Companies are going to have to get used to customers characterizing their model of support as ransom. We are creatives, after all.

It's a metaphor! I'll only be dragged kicking and screaming to any new Apple OS, and never again until 10.x.5 at minimum. Fool me twice. I have a test partition with Sierra 10.12.6 and BRU PE only on it, and I plan to eventually do a fresh install of all my software and plug-ins, which will take days likely, as several of my plugs and apps will require a web authorization reset, meaning I have to contact some vendors and explain what I'm doing (I've had to do this before when upgrading MacPros or after a crashed boot drive.). Using Migration Assistant in the past seems to have migrated my problems and leftover trash in my Library and App Support folders. Sorry, I seem to have rambled horribly off-topic. Hi Jim - I am also rambling horribly off topic, but you hit a sensitive note in your description.

Bru Pe For Mac Free

You are working with a health care company that is scouring the internet for complaints. And you are bitching about Tolis wanting to charge for support. I pay $22,000 a year for health care from Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield (Florida Blue) and they do everything they can to try to not reimburse me, and not cover me, even though I feel I am paying them an insane amount of money for my Wife and myself. Is that not 'ransomware'? If you are a Mac user, you have 3 choices for low cost solutions - Tolis Group, YoYotta and Imagine Products.

Want Archiware P5 - prepare to pay thousands of dollars for it. Storage DNA - tens of thousands. ProMax Cache-A - sorry, no free support. So to pay $500 bucks, and expect free support forever - well, you tell ME how much you pay for your medical insurance. Perhaps if ALL OF US didn't have to pay exhorbitant fees for our medical insurance, 'we' would be more generous with you. Tell your health care client that the reason you are being charged ransomware, is because of THEM!

Bob Zelin Bob Zelin Rescue 1, Inc. Hi Bob, To continue our OT rambling, I couldn't agree more about health insurance. It's a cruel game rigged against us. However, my client is a provider, a chain of hospitals, and what's encouraging about it is that they're looking into customer service and looking at patients as consumers, not cattle to be treated as commodities in a feed lot - being sensitive to wait times and meeting expectations, giving value for out of pocket expenses, and less of thinking of doctors as gods who can continue to put their schedules ahead of their customers. This is something I feel is long overdue. I live in Dallas, and these Doc-in-a-box have been popping up on every corner, and I think the competition is heating up. Too bad that insurers don't feel the same heat.

You may know this, but health insurers are exempt from anti-trust laws, which means they are free to collude and rig prices so that there's no difference between the different insurers on price, and that makes them also free to provide crap service, as long as everybody is doing it. Thanks for the intel on Tolis' competition.

When I got into LTO, I started with Retrospect, and quickly grew dissatisfied. At the time, I think there were only two other competitors on Mac. One was a German company, and the other was Tolis, with their product geared towards digital media production.

BRU PE isn't a product I use daily as I do with the Adobe apps, so the $300/year seems a bit out of proportion, but as you put it, maybe it's a position I should re-think. We US people pay around $660/year for the CC suite, and considering how much time I spend using it (five days a week, all day long) vs.

BRU PE (once a fortnight for a couple hours), the BRU PE support seems exorbitant, especially considering how little bother I am to them. In the seven or so years that I've needed help, I've needed help for maybe a total of one hour. So, if I'd been paying them annually, their support from me would have earned them $2100/hour. I'm also paying Blue Cross a ransom for my insurance, and since I'm pretty healthy, it's not been a great return either.

Cheers, Jim Jim Curtis MacPro 5,1; 6-core 3.06 GHz; 128 G RAM all the same brand; dual boot: 1011.6 & 10.12.6; QT 7.6.6; Primary display: 4K HP Dreamcolor; secondary: 24' HP DreamColor; Nvidia TITAN GPU; ATTO R680 RAID5 16TB; ATTO H680 HBA for HP LTO5 tape; USB3 PCIe card; latest drivers all around. Retrospect - really - certainly not in 2018 - how are they still in business.

'A German company ' - oh come one, who besides Archiware P5 are we talking about- its not like they are a sponsor that this thread will be deleted from!!!! The whole market is changing.

Look at Resolve. LTO in general - the ONLY reason you are not using cloud backup is because of your CHEAP a#$ internet providers. If you had actual 'hi speed', you would not even consider LTO. We are in changing times. The stock market is peaking. The way we do business will change very soon.

And it's not us to up. And since you are in Dallas - say 'hi' to Billy Gibbons!!!!!! Bob Zelin Bob Zelin Rescue 1, Inc.

I'm also having authentication problems with BRU PE. I have a mac pro (old tower version) that is still running El Capitan. However, I updated El Capitan to 10.11.6 (15G22010) and BRU PE stopped accepting the admin password when starting up.

I updated BRU PE itself, and it stopped asking for admin password upon starting up. I've been able to make backups no problem. However the first time I tried to do a restore, it failed saying 'no valid sudoers sources found'.

I have spent the past 2 hours working on fixing my 'sudoers' files, and apparently BRU has enabled itself to bypass the admin password (awesome, entering my admin password every time I start up was a pain in the butt, although I understand why it needed to do so.). Ultimately I created an applescript file that changed the ownership of /etc/sudoers, /etc/sudoers.d, and /etc/sudoers.d/BRUExemptions to all be permissions 440. This got the restore to work, however it throws errors saying that it cannot modify the permissions of the files it is restoring.

At the moment, I've been able to successfully restore my files, but I fear that if I need to restore more than just a few files, it might fail (I read elsewhere that you can override how many permisssions problems it will allow before quitting?). This is what fixed it for me when I was locked out on El Capitan, and then again after I upgraded to 10.13, and BRU PE stopped authenticating again.

Do this at your own risk. Results not guaranteed. I recommend cloning your disk before messing with sudo commands, just in case: sudo mkdir /private/etc/sudoers.d sudo chmod 755 /private/etc/sudoers.d sudo cp /Downloads/BRUExemptions /private/etc/sudoers.d/ sudo -k sudo bru -h Jim Curtis MacPro 5,1; 6-core 3.06 GHz; 128 G RAM all the same brand; dual boot: 1011.6 & 10.12.6; QT 7.6.6; Primary display: 4K HP Dreamcolor; secondary: 24' HP DreamColor; Nvidia TITAN GPU; ATTO R680 RAID5 16TB; ATTO H680 HBA for HP LTO5 tape; USB3 PCIe card; latest drivers all around.

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